Years do not work, people do!
Many hiring managers and recruiters think that if they do not put a range of required years of experience, they do not belong in recruitment.
So wrong!
- They do a disservice to themselves by reducing the number of available candidates.
- They do a disservice to the society by sidelining some of the most talented people.
- They do a disservice to their companies by depriving them of some of the best recruits.
- And all for what – for some arbitrary numbers none of them can explain !
- Actually, some of that is driven by ageism – against the young and the old.
- But some of that is simply outdated hiring practices of the 20th century.
A Recruiter posted “7-12 years of experience is a must”.
It is not the number of years, it is their quality !
Why would you not hire someone with 2 years of outstanding accomplishments
Or 25 years of experience ?
Too many years ?
- How do you even come up with 7-12 years ?
- We should stop outdated hiring practices !
- Look not at the years, but the value the person will bring.
- Hire people, not numbers.
- Years will not do the work. People will.